Tuesday 30 March 2010

Working with the Law!


I first met him in 1973 at a conference where he was a keynote speaker at the Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta, Canada. I was twenty-three years old. The first thing I noticed were his hands. As he spoke, at first I was mesmerized more by his hands than his words. These were hands not only large in size but they literally seemed to have rays of light pouring forth into the room as he shared his message. As I began to turn my attention to what he was saying, I felt myself lifted, inspired and wanting for myself whatever this man knew. He clearly possessed a deep confidence of knowing and an aura of power and well-being. His life demonstrated such a mastery of liberation and abundance, that when he finished speaking, I dashed to be the first in line to speak to him. In this one conversation, I learned that he was president of a seminary where one could study the laws of life and be instructed in their application. Four months later, I was living six blocks from the seminary and was registered for the fall semester.
Raymond Holliwell was a student and master of the Laws of Living. He was informed by years of study and research in all the great religions and philosophies as well as modern psychology and the new science. He authored many books, the cornerstone of which is his classic offering, “Working With The Law.” While his writing was done at a time before we had politically correct gender balancing in the words chosen, I had first hand experience to know that Raymond Holliwell was deeply honoring of women as well as men. When he used the word “Man” in his writing, he was speaking to every one of us.
During the two years I studied, lived and breathed the teachings of this man, I knew I was in the rarefied air of greatness. He not only spoke the words, he lived and demonstrated the mastery that comes only with an incorporation of the liberating Truths of Life that he had discovered and taught. When I graduated from the seminary two years later and moved back to Northwest to begin my own teaching, I felt saddened to leave. I wondered if, ever again, I would have the privilege of such closeness to one who not only knew, but was a living example.
Ray Holliwell was so in harmony with the Law of Life, that his life radiated mastery and abundance in all that matters. Just to be around him or have the honor of receiving his message was to be offered Keys to the Kingdom of one’s deepest hopes and desires. He died in the early 1980’s. A few years following his death, his seminary would close and the church he built became another denomination. I grieved at what I thought of as a loss.
In 1995, I answered the phone. A woman I knew casually asked if I would be willing to join her and a man she knew, who was visiting my home city, for breakfast. I told her how very busy my week was and suggested maybe next time he came to town we could work it out. She asked again with a new insistence in her voice and wanting to help her out, I reluctantly agreed. I would later find out that the man, with whom the breakfast was planned, had agreed to breakfast with the same reluctance, only wanting to help out the woman making the invitation.