Wednesday 26 May 2010

Working the Law! (3)

Working with the Law! (3) (continued)

This creative principle is summarized in a sentence found in Proverbs.
It reads:
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” You may have read or heard the statement before. It has been taught and expounded by philosophers of every age. You may have tried to prove the statement by ridding from your memory all negative thoughts, but because it took determined and persistent effort, you wearied. Then you dropped back into the current of old conditions and ideas and, if anything, became worse off than before.
Others, hearing the statement, were not impressed, for they could not accept the assertion that all inharmonies of life are the results of their own beliefs, or of their past thinking crystallized into beliefs. They prefer to blame this upon something, or someone else. Even God is given a share of the blame. There are others who believe that in God’s good time all things will eventually work out to their satisfaction, but this is not so.
These people are planning for a heaven to be gained at some future time, when it is actually a condition and state of mind that can be had now as well as hereafter. In fact, unless it is gained here and now, it can never be had in the future.
At some time in a man’s life he is forced to reckon with this creative law. There is no alternative.
Everyone is governed by the Law, whether he knows it or not. Possibly it is the same idea that some have concerning prayer. They think it is God’s fault, will, or desire, when they do not get the answer they seek. They use God as their scapegoat and excuse when their prayers are unanswered, or when they are unable to explain some act of God or of Nature. “God’s will be done,” is one of the most overworked and least understood statements in our day. Some use the idea as a crutch to lean upon, when in
reality it is a powerful bridge over which man may cross the deepest chasms and mysteries. It is man’s failure if his prayers are unanswered. The creative Law is ever ready to answer and cannot fail to respond when approached rightly and wisely. At the moment that man is able to contact and to realize the Law, he will at once enjoy the benefits. It is the realization of the Law in action that determines manifestation.

Sunday 23 May 2010

Working the Law! (2)

Working with the Law (2) (continued)

I knew a woman who once lived in a beautiful home in an exclusive suburban district with every comfort that wealth could supply to make her happy. This home was a large rambling house, facing a beautiful lake, with green terraces sloping to its edge.
Flower gardens, perfectly kept, were scattered freely along each path throughout the estate. She had many servants to help her, and from observation her life was just about *Instant website promotion! Free color text links!as complete as one might dream about. But, with all this wealth and beauty, the woman was heard to remark to her friends that she hoped the day would come when she would be relieved of the big house and all its problems and could live in a trunk.
She wanted a room to herself, for herself, and just large enough to move about without
any extra space to dust and to keep clean.
A few years elapsed. Her husband died and left the estate to her. She sold the
home at a sacrifice. Her other holdings depreciated so much in value through unwise
investments and transfers that she had but a small income left.
She went to live with a sister, and, true to her wish, she now has a small room
on the third floor and practically lives in a trunk. Whether she is happier now than
before I do not know, but I doubt it. One thing I do know; that is, she gradually led
herself to the small room and privations when her consciousness began to grow small
and limited. She unconsciously touched the creative principle and supplied it with ideas
of smallness and privacy and limitation which materialized within a few years’ time.
As we assimilate in mind these ideas or mental pictures, we, knowingly or
unknowingly, exercise a power to produce them. This creative process continues
working night and day until the idea is completed. We cannot picture thoughts of
poverty, failure, disease and doubt, and expect in return to enjoy wealth, success,
health, and courage. It just can’t be done, any more than the photographer can take a
beautiful picture of a homely creature.