Friday 24 September 2010

Working the Law (7)

(continued)  All failures in life are due to taking sides with the finite around us. All success in life is due to taking sides with the Law within us. Thus working with the Law may be considered the same as taking the Law into our minds and lives as a silent partner. We are then conscious of the source and creator of all power, and realize and receive the many benefits that surround us.
You who are searching and grasping any and every idea that comes along, in the hope that it will be a short- cut method to solve the problems of life, you who condemn and blame every misunderstood person or thing for your failures and defeats, will never find a satisfying life that way. You will find only an existence, and at its best it will be variable and changing. Life with all its attributes of good is a something that doesn’t
just happen to touch a fortunate few. It is a something you must create. It is a something you must plan, mentally picture, and think about. You, who are seeking love, fortune, happiness and success, must understand that it is not something you may find, you cannot buy it nor borrow it from another. No one can give it to you; you must create it within yourself. Your desires and ideas are like seeds you plant in the soil, but
these are planted in the soil of mind. After planting the thought- seeds, you cultivate them, nurture them, and guard them well until the harvest time. Then you will reap all that you have sown, and abundantly. Of course he who has the cleanest and most fertile garden will enjoy the best returns.
We may realize from this lesson that we have the capacity, for we can think, and in our thinking, create desires and ideas. We have the equipment; it comprises the ideas and thought-seeds that we plant in the soil of the mind. We have the power, for the Universal power of mind is endowed within each and every one of us. All that we may ever desire to have and to be is ours for the asking as we correctly apply the Law
of life, the Law of Mind. When a circumstance arises we are not to come under it, to submit to it in servitude, but we are to surmount it, to overcome and master it, by exercising the creative law of thinking, and thus grow in wisdom and power. For, as Dr. John Murray so often said, “We are according to our system of ideas.”  (End of "Working the Law")